Orange portrait of Sebastian Biot

For seven years, I worked at Ohio Uni­ver­si­ty Press. I de­vel­op­ed and main­tained its web­sites, and created pro­mo­tion­al ma­te­ri­al of all kinds, much of it ephem­er­al: forms, ban­ners, slides, cat­a­logs, posters….

Two long-term concerns guided my work there: the press’s visual identity and its web and meta­da­ta in­fra­struc­ture.

I reworked the press’s iden­ti­ty to make it brighter, more con­sis­tent, and more con­tem­po­rary. With a bolder and more iden­ti­fi­able brand, the press could compete for at­ten­tion (and man­u­scripts) with larger uni­ver­si­ty presses, on the web and at schol­ar­ly con­fe­rences.

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Screenshot of showing a book description of “Age of Concrete” by David Morton. The page features a large black and white photograph of a group of Mozambican women in front of high-rise buildings. (September 2012­–­October 2023)

In addition, I developed the press’s internal metadata management system which displayed and in­te­grated information from several of its de­part­ments, track­ing production updates, marketing assets, sales, and inventory.

This project used an array of technologies: Python and Javascript for server-side and front-end code, XML and ONIX for metadata sharing, Puppeteer for headless, Chrome-based PDF output, among others.